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Appointments must be booked in advance with the practitioner.  You will receive a confirmation email which includes an intake form for your personal details.  You will also receive a reminder email 24 hours before your appointment.  If you do not cancel you appointment with at least 24 hours notice you must pay the full price of the appointment.  If you are late for your appointment your treatment time will be shorter and the full price must still be paid.  


Health and wellbeing are the responsibility of the individual. Advice and treatments provided by Lilja Katanka are complementary and not an alternative to conventional medical opinion or treatment.  Your ‘diagnosis’ will be from a classical Chinese Medicine point of view and your treatment won’t claim to ‘cure’, but to bring about change which can help your body to heal itself.

There are always a few contraindications to the treatments offered, and they don’t always mean that a treatment cannot take place. Your initial consultation is incredibly thorough and it is very important that you inform your practitioner of any medical conditions you have and those you have suffered with in the past, current medications or medical investigations, and provide updates at subsequent sessions if any of the discussed aspects change, this is especially the case with any changes to medication. It is your responsibility to check with your medical practitioner in case you suffer from a condition and/or are in doubt whether to have treatment.

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